Page Turners Book Discussion for

September 23, 2024   
12:00 p.m.  •  Library


In My Grandmother's House: Black Women, Faith, and the Stories We Inherit by Yolanda Peirce


Page Turners will meet on Monday, September 23rd at noon in the church library. The book for discussion is In My Grandmother’s House: Black Women, Faith, and the Stories We Inherit by Yolanda Pierce. "In a world eager to promote the newest wunderkind, grandmother theology carries us two or more generations back: to the kitchens, hair salons, gardens, and church basements of older Black women who are often invisible in theological discourse but without whom the American Christian church would cease to exist. The church mothers who raised Yolanda Pierce, dean of Howard University School of Divinity, were busily focused on her survival. In a world hostile to Black women's bodies and spirits, they had to be. Born on a former cotton plantation and having fled the terrors of the South, Pierce's grandmother raised her in the faith inherited from those who were enslaved.”


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List of what we will be reading  on the month


September 23- In My Grandmother’s House by Yolanda Pierce

October 21 - The Comfort of Crows by Margaret Renkl

November 18 - Killer of the Flower Moon by David Grann

December 16 - The Last Exchange by Charles Martin
