Sunday, September 1, 2024 Service
Tryon UMC is no longer live streaming its Sunday morning worship service, but will record and upload each week’s worship service to our church’s website as well as to Facebook. Online viewers can watch each Sunday worship service anytime they wish during the week. Every effort will be made to have each Sunday’s worship service video available to view online no later than Monday at 6:00 PM.
On our church website, www.tryonumc.org, use the dropdown menu and select “Worship Video”. On our church’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/tumctryon, click on the menu item “Video”.
➢ We continue to encourage you to make your offerings to the church so that we can continue to operate and take care of the essential day-to-
day things to keep us functioning as a church. You can mail in your offering or come by and drop it in our locked mailbox. You can also give on-
line with your credit card. Click on the link on our website under Giving.
❖ Be a Light in the World Candle Making
❖ Lunch today and Budget Meeting
❖ A Day Away Play Dates
➢ Please check the Prayer List each week for those who have asked for our prayers. And please help us
keep our list up-to-date.
If there are names that need to be added or taken off the list, please contact the office at 828-859-9218 or
send an email to tumc1@tryonumc.net
❖ A Day Away Play Dates. Wendesday 25 , 2024
See Below for more details
Pastor Lynnette will be on vacation Sept. 12-21. She will not be available to take calls for most of this trip.
If you have a pastoral care need, please contact your shepherd.
➢ If you have an announcement about something you are involved with in the community, please share that with us and we will share that with the congregation. Announcements should be received by 12:00 p.m. each Wednesday in order to be printed in the announcements for Sunday.
➢ Chancel Choir. will resume on Wednesday, September 4 at 5pm in the choir room. All are welcome to come and
“lift a joyful noise unto the Lord”!
➢ Handbell Choir. will resume on Wednesday, September 11 at 6pm in the handbell room. All are welcome to come and
" Paly Bells with us.
➢ Comfort Shawls. Every second and fourth Tuesday. 10:00 a.m. Comfort Shawl Room.
➢ Qi Gong. Monday’s and Fridays. 10:00—11:00 a.m. Fellowship Hall
➢ AA Meetings: Meets on Monday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
➢ Girl Scouts: Thursday. 4:30 p.m. Education Rooms, 2nd Floor (Not meeting during the summer.
➢ Living Clean. Thursday. 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Hall.
Dear Tryon UMC Family,
Words cannot begin to adequately convey the thankfulness and appreciation for your outpouring of love and support in the sudden and unexpected death of my beloved Jim. Your calls, visits, emails, texts, flowers, cards and food, plus your attendance at his services have all been deeply appreciated and heartfelt.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
–Charlotte Holly and family
Giving for September 1, 2024 $5,731.00 Weekly Goal $3,709.37
Total Giving for September, 2024 $5,731.00 Monthly Goal $16,073.92
Total Pledges and Giving for 2024 (As of September 1): $132,990.92
September 1, 2024 IN PERSON: 24 ON-LINE: 146 TOTAL: 170
Stewardship for the 2024 Budget
Amount Pledged to date: $104,672,672 Total Budget for 2024: $192,887.00
Offering given during worship services.
Drop off offerings in the locked mailbox outside the church office.
Give on-line with your credit card. See our website at www.tryonumc.org Click on “Giving” link.
➢ In-person worship is held each Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in our Sanctuary.
➢ View our recorded worship service on our website at www.tryonumc.org. Use the dropdown menu and select “Worship Vide
➢ Recorded services are available on our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/tumctryon Click the menu item “video”.
September Birthdays
9/5 - Leslie Turnage
9/5 - Karen Davidson
9/11 - Pat Cowan
9/11 - Nancy Hiley
9/14 - Pat Turner
9/16 - Pam Monterisi
9/24 - Sharon Johnson
September Anniversaries
9/7 - Bob and Lynn Montgomery
9/22 - Jim Schrader and Kathleen Edberg
Inserted in your announcements this week is information on giving for the first four months of 2024. In our Gathering Meeting on April 23rd, some of you mentioned you would like to see more information about giving and how we are doing regarding making our budget for the year.
The insert includes weekly and monthly giving for January through April and what we need each week and month to meet our budget. Going forward, you will get a summary each week in the bulletin to let you track how we are doing.
If you have any questions about this information, please contact Lynn Montgomery, our church treasurer, or Pastor Lynnette.
➢ in-person during Sunday worship services.
➢ Drop off your offering in our locked mailbox outside the church office.
➢ Give on-line with your credit card. See our website at www.tryonumc.org Click on “Giving” link. NOTE: Make sure you identify our church as
Tryon UMC in Tryon, NC in the Blue Ridge District (there is a Tryon Methodist Church in Charlotte in the Metro District. Sometimes we get
confused with them).
On behalf of our staff, thank you to everyone for the cards, gifts, and contributions during the holiday season. They were very much appreciated.
Thank you, especially to all of those who have helped in this process.
Light in the World—Offering the Light of Jesus Christ to Our Community
A Mission for Tryon United Methodist
Be the Light in the World
As a means of sharing the love of Jesus in our community, I propose the following:
• August thru December—share the Bridge Builders prayer with at least 1,000
people in our community.
• Those people can include (but are not limited to):
Teachers and assistants at Polk County Schools
The congregations of our partner churches in Tryon (Tryon First Baptist Church (100), Congregational Church/United Church of Christ (100), Tryon Presbyterian
Church (100), St. Luke CME (50), Tryon Estates (100), Saluda UMC
and With All (100)
Town of Tryon workers (Firefighters, Police Officers, city workers, city officials) (50)
Tryon Halloween Stroll (200—adults)
Community Thanksgiving Service (100)
Tryon Christmas Parade (300)
• TUMC Congregation will be asked to gather in September, October,
and November to help create the candles (easy to make) to be distributed.
• Cards with the Bridge Builders prayer will be created to go with the candles
• TUMC Congregation who attend each week will be encouraged to take at least one candle and card each week and share it with someone they know (neighbor, co-worker, friend in the community, someone you know at a local business or organization in the community, or anyone you are building a relationship with who would be receptive to receiving a candle and this message.)
Goal: In a world that needs to know, see, feel and experience the love of Jesus Christ, we have the opportunity to share unifying, kind, compassionate, and inspiring words and a simple source of light. Our goal is to share these words and this source of light with our neighbors.
This is a non-threatening but meaningful way to share something good with people we know and/or people we care about in our community. It is not a tool for proselytizing or manipulating people in any way. It is an offer. No one has to take it. But, if they take the gift, they must know that it is a gift with no strings attached. We expect nothing in return. It is a small gift of love to be given.
The cost of this ministry will be paid for by a donation from one of our church members and from one of our Designated Funds accounts.
Possible Outreach
• Encouraging other churches to share the message with others in their communities.
• Offer this to the District Superintendent to share with leaders of churches in our district as an idea for them to share with their congregations. (Possibly at Charge Conference this year).
• Offer to Outreach and Habitat for Humanity to share with their clients and homeowners.
(Note: We cannot sell someone else’s words, so what we offer will be a gift. No money will be accepted for anything we do with regard to this effort.)
Dates for Making candles:
• Tuesday, September 10 from 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
• Wednesday, September 11 from 10:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.
• Tuesday, September 24 from 1:00 p.m.—3:00 p.m.
October and November dates to be determined. We will work in the Library on the dates we make candles.
You do not need to sign up. Just show up and help. This is easy to do. No extra special or “crafty” skills required.
“Here’s to the bridge-builders, the hand-holders, the light-bringers, those extraordinary souls wrapped in ordinary lives who quietly weave threads of humanity into an inhumane world. They are the unsung heroes in a world at war with itself. They are the whisperers of hope that peace is possible. Look for them in this present darkness. Light your candle with their flame. And then go. Build bridges. Hold hands. Bring light to a dark and desperate world. Be the hero you are looking for. Peace is possible. It begins with us.”
L. R. Knost
Page Turners Meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 12:00 p.m.
September 23 - In My Grandmother’s House by Yolanda Pierce
October 21 - The Comfort of Crows by Margaret Renkl
November 18 - Killer of the Flower Moon by David Grann
December 16 - The Last Exchange by Charles Martin
Stewardship Sundays in September and October
You will be receiving a letter from the Leadership Team in early September in which you will be asked to consider how you can and will support the church financially in 2025. Please prayerfully think of how you wish to do that and how you would like to participate in the life of the church in the coming year.
Your support makes it possible for us to do the mission and work of God has called us to do in our community and our world.
Please turn in your pledge card during worship on September 22, 29 or October 6. This helps the Leadership Team in the formation of our final budget, which will be submitted at Charge Conference in October.
If you have questions about the budget, please contact Judy Banks, Leadership Team Chair; Linda Robison, Church Treasurer; Pastor Lynnette Sills. More to come…
Habitat 2nd Annual Faith Breakfast
Guest Speaker: Dr. Terrance Gatts, Habitat for Humanity International Global Chaplain
RSVP by Tuesday, September 10 • https://www.habitat-hvl.org/events/
A Day Away - Play Dates for Tryon UMC
Join Pastor Lynnette for some fun days to explore sacred places and spaces
in the Asheville Area this fall!
Wednesdsy , September 25 - A Day in Montreat, North Carolina • 10am-3pm
Easy walking paths around the labyrinth and Lake Susan will be part of our time together. We’ll enjoy the beauty of the place with some guided prayers/meditations and conversations that focus on experiencing fall in Montreat. We’ll then hop down to Black Mountain to have lunch at one of the local restaurants.
8:45am - Carpooling will be arranged from Tryon to Montreat.
Page Turners Book Club • Monday, September 23, 12pm
In My Grandmother's House: Black Women, Faith, and the Stories We Inherit by Yolanda Peirce
Page Turners will meet on Monday, September 23rd at noon in the church library. The book for discussion is In My Grandmother’s House: Black Women, Faith, and the Stories We Inherit by Yolanda Pierce. "In a world eager to promote the newest wunderkind, grandmother theology carries us two or more generations back: to the kitchens, hair salons, gardens, and church basements of older Black women who are often invisible in theological discourse but without whom the American Christian church would cease to exist. The church mothers who raised Yolanda Pierce, dean of Howard University School of Divinity, were busily focused on her survival. In a world hostile to Black women's bodies and spirits, they had to be. Born on a former cotton plantation and having fled the terrors of the South, Pierce's grandmother raised her in the faith inherited from those who were enslaved.”
Budget Roundtable and Fellowship Lunch
Sunday, September 8, 2024 • 12:15 p.m
(after worship)
Join us for a discussion of the 2025 Budget for Tryon UMC. You will also get an update on what’s happening with our new partnership with Wesley Community Development. Please bring a side dish or dessert. Meat and drinks will be provided by the church.
NOTE FROM PASTOR LYNNETTE: I know this isn’t your favorite thing to do. Nobody gets excited about meetings, including me. But, this work is important for the life of our church. And, your input and participation are critical to our ministry and work in this community. So, please plan to be at this meeting and support our church.
Dear Tryon UMC Outreach Volunteers,
Thank you for all your help executing our 2024 School Supplies Program, in particular the supplies bags for our Polk County teachers. I am grateful for your packing expertise and for the time it took to deliver our bags to each school. Outreach is so lucky to have TUMC on our team - you guys are the best!
— Warm regards, Margot Carter
Welcome into Membership
Deck Cline
Tryon United Methodist Church
July 7, 2024